You Need to Be Watching The Bad Batch
In 2008, Lucasfilm debuted ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars” on the big screen to mixed reviews. Walkin...

Multi-Signed Series: Original Trilogy
Welcome to the Multi-Signed Series, a new series from SWAU that explores what projects featuring...

SWAU: It's About More Than Just Autographs
SWAU has always been a community, first and foremost. It was started by autograph collectors to p...

SWAU Prop Collecting Series Part 3: Plaque Thoughts, Signed Props and Reminders
The following series is written by Jerrad Sanders, SWAU member, moderator of our Autograph Unive...

So, You've Gotten Your First Fake Autograph...
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.
These may be the stages of grief, but they’r...

SWAU Prop Collecting Series Part 2: Collecting Plaques and Finding Your Path
The following series is written by Jerrad Sanders, SWAU member, moderator of our Autograph Unive...

Knowing is Half the Battle
The following article is written by SWAU moderator Joel Cooke.
Just this time last year, cons w...

SWAU Prop Collecting Series Part 1: Introductions and Origins
The following series is written by Jerrad Sanders, SWAU member, moderator of our Autograph Unive...

Does Being in the Credits Mean You Need Their Autograph?
Earlier this year I had published an article on who I would think what signers would make for a...

SWAU Guide to Poster Collecting- Part 3
The following is Part 3 and the finale of a series of articles written by SWAU moderator Annie L...

SWAU Guide to Poster Collecting- Part 2
The following is Part 2 of a series of articles written by SWAU moderator Annie Lavinsky. Annie ...

SWAU Guide to Poster Collecting- Part 1
The following is Part 1 of a series of articles written by SWAU moderator Annie Lavinsky. Annie i...

Bendu's Signature Series Revisited
Over one year ago, esteemed autograph collector and moderator of the SWAU team, Pete Bendu, est...

Top Ten Autographs From Each Trilogy
For those of you who do not subscribe to our YouTube channel (and you should fix it immediately!)...

Long-Lost Original Trilogy Signers
The Original Trilogy remains to this day the premiere entertainment autograph collectible on the ...

Misty Rosas, Chris Bartlett and Tait Fletcher Become SWAU Exclusive Clients!
SWAU is excited to announce that Misty Rosas, Chris Bartlett and Tait Fletcher have signed on t...

Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder Become SWAU Exclusive Clients!
SWAU is proud and excited to announce that Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder, known to fans for ...

Top Five Graphcast Episodes For New Collectors
SWAU has dedicated itself to being the premiere destination for fans who want to both collect Sta...

The Epic Marker Review (Part 2: The Colors)
Author’s Note: All of these pens have either been purchased by myself, or kindly donated by fell...

Understanding Official Pix Shields & Stickers
Author and Editor’s Note: This topic was discussed at length during a video chat in the SWAU Face...

Selling Your Star Wars Autographs!
Selling off a personal collection that you’ve dedicated time, money, and effort into building is ...

Every Saga Has a Beginning: The Origins of SWAU
Andy Luk grew impatient. It’s noteworthy because, if you ask any of the ...

Original Trilogy Main Character Autographs By The Numbers
Watching different Star Wars actors sign autographs for the last few decades, I started trying t...

I've Got a Bad Feeling About This: Your Collection as Assets
“I’m never going to sell that.”“This is my personal grail.”“I don’t collect for investment, I co...

When Will It Stop? (Or Knowing When to End a Multi-Signed Project)
If you haven't heard, SWAU is doing an extremely rare signing with Nick Nolte, and for a lot of y...

Not Supporting 'THE DEALERS' and the Deceptions Employed to Make Money
“I don’t support dealers. It’s all about the fans.”Those words are the hollow excuse used to ex...

Integrity: Your Reputation in this Hobby Means Everything
For the longest time, throughout history, people would fight to preserve their good names…their ...

These Are Your First Steps: Becoming a 'Star Wars' Autograph Collector
I’ve been collecting autographs for 19 years. However, i went 19 years between actually adding ...

Getting Your Items Ready for a SWAU Send-In
This is a compilation of the send-in guides written by both Broderick Martin and Joel Cooke.

Never Trust a Table Sharpie!
It's officially 2020, and that means it's time for another Star Wars Celebration, which is only s...

Working on OT Multi-Signed Projects as a New Collector
As all new collectors of Star Wars autographs realize very quickly, one thing that we all missed ...

Online Photo Storage: Why I Use Flickr
In a world full of online photo hosting sites, which one is the best? For me, Flickr has beaten o...

SWAU Legends and Lore (Fried Chicken, Frunk Oz, and Harrison Fard)
Being new to the Star Wars Autograph Universe can be a bit daunting because the group has been ar...